6d) Canned Irishman mangled English and another language (8,7 ) M?N?A??? / ??I???E 21 d) Spanish gent happy over in Ohio, lacking capital (7) H?D???O 23 d) Attempt to catch swallow in Deal (6) ??E???...
8 d) Independent having no need for guys (4-10 ) SELF - ???O?TENT 17a ) Bouquet husband sent back includes head of scented herba ( 6) ?Y?S?? 22a ) Mix business and drinks with Anglicans (8) ?O?L?S?E...
1 a) Order speaker to curb angry trio restructuring in Russia (11) P?R?S?R?I?A 25a) Examine beetle ,say, eating centre of lupin (7) ??S?E?? 28 a) A piano set among trees,I hear, for swingers bar (7)...
7 d) Bill initially is often running behind (9) P?S?O?I?R 8 d) Small plant in Leeds refurbished by German (8) S?E?G?N? 27 d) Policeman nicks old pen (4) ?O?? 31 a ) Novice, type one trained to guard...
7 d) A Parisian disappeared carrying Queen still in command ( 12) UN?A?????HED 4 d) Medical expert`s entrance captivating court (6) D?C?O? 21 a) I work on skin regularly during BSE outbreak, taking...
11a) Coal burns,some people say,sort of cabbage (8) ?O?L?A?I 13 a) Compelling businessman? (6) ????N? 20 a) Plug project by soldier,officer`s aide (8) ??J???N? 4d ) Top evergreen,concealing salt (8)...