16 d blast unfinished lines in presidential tweets, say (8) T---P---
I think that this is TRUMPETS, but have seen TRUMPERY as an answer elsewhere.
Any thoughts?
7d Worry one's still into The Dandy (11)
I have DISQUIETUDE which obviously means a state of worry - but I can't parse the rest of the answer.
16d Balance poor in paper's last piece, dear me! (9)
This must be REMAINDER, which is a balance. And I can see the word REAM, but can't parse it completely.
I know these are correct but can't parse them!!
7d Ready for a shower? APPEARANCE MONEY
18a Troublemaker, terrorist? Not to criminal. STIRRER
Many thanks...
1a Threatening senior nurse while clutching hip (8) S-N---E-
This looks like SINISTER, since SISTER is a senior nurse, but I can't see the reference to 'hip'.
8d Firstly, no murder is good (4) N-C-
It looks like the answer is NICE, No for firstly No..... NICE because that also means good, but murder?
Many thanks...
25a Toy comes down - offensive packaging (5,3) -----S-T
This must be TRAIN SET, but I can't see the parse...
Toy is train set, comes down could be 'rains' but... ?
Many thanks...
13a A crook returned without victor or hero? (10) -------R-R
Is this ADVENTURER ? A victor/hero who returns... but I can't see the parse.
Many thanks...
6d It blooms from Hades to Necropolis (9) S--------
I can see that this is STONECROP (which is a plant), and necropolis is 'stone' but can't completely parse it. Help please?