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27a Tough, short, novelist was in charge (10) I have -A-D-E---D and just cant see it. Thanks...
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10a Jet helping movement of people ( 9) M-G-A---- I have MIGRATION and can see that MIG is a jet - but helping? Thanks...
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19d Most classy lady's into cannabis (7) P-C---T Nearly done it with just a few to go. Thanks...
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13d Famous Russian composer in new edition of Grove (9) G-------- Thanks...
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1a restrained dog is suffering problems with some chow (6,9). No letters yet - thanks.
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19d Athlete's kit is striking - stores energy (6) -W-A-S I have SWEATS but can't see if this is right. It's my last one. Thanks...
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6d Thought one would snarl about dirty supporter (6,9). F----- / T-------- This looks like FELLOW TRAVELLER but I can't see the word play....
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13a A handle for jug, all in enamel (8) I have NICKNAME - which is 'handle', and the word 'name' is in enamel. But what it's got to with jug? 6d Thought one would snarl about dirty supporter (6,9)....
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2d Bird's bill penetrating gullet (5) M---W I have MACAW but just can't see why this might be the answer!
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4a Chap is carrying iron to platform (9) No letter yet! Thanks
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4a Frozen body? Turn up temperature (5) C---T Thanks
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11a Dicky bird's covering for a swallow (4,2,3,5) D--- I- --- ----- Is this DOWN IN THE MOUTH?
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1d mix 'n' ma1tch decoration, possibly - is the COORDINATE? Thanks
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21d river bird's one raised by wolf (5) I think that this is REMUS - R(iver) EMU S? With Dean Mayer this week it's impossible so wanted to check! Thanks...
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1a Dancing helps, to female adult (3-5). Help - please get me started today! Thanks...
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1a drivers on-board ship in private accommodation (7) ------k help! thanks...
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20a display by head of Continental during standstills in flights (10) -T-----S-- stuck! any help gratefully received...
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13d where some journalists work now and again (2,5) A- / T-M-- I just can't get this. Thanks....
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17a Petty officers get hang of sharing accommodation (14) -U-R---------- I have QUARTERMASTERS but am not sure if this is correct. Thanks...
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7d Graduate left with just a shoes and hat (8) B---O-A- this has got me and I'm stuck so any help gratefully received....

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