19a ship's officer maintains European river is not up to much (8) M-A----- (MIDDLING?) 12a Principal Muslim leaders said to be showing signs of rejection (10) H-A------- 27a Recorders perhaps ordered...
27a When away simmer a lot of stew without fruit (9). P-R-I-M-N and think the answer is PERSIMMON. However, whilst this has SIMMER in the word I can't see the rest of the word play - why 'When Away'?...
4d dance with goddess round a bar (8) --b-n-r-a I have Habanera which is a dance and has the word 'bar' in it; but goddess? I can't see the word play - or I'm wrong!
22d (5) Drive out to see the Roman in the river - E-I--
I have EVICT but am not sure as what's that got to do with Roman... except VI - but River? Or maybe I'm wrong?...