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1a High Barnet as American might call it (6) --H-W- This looks like MOHAWK but I can't parse it completely. many thanks...
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7d digs end up hiding crack (8) P------T- This looks like POTSHOTS (digs), but I can't parse the rest of the clue. Many thanks...
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15d drinks provided in parties on the rocks (9) A-E------ This must be APERITIFS, but I can't parse it completely! Many thanks...
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13a Miss a festival’s main attraction (3,5) I think this is May Queen but am not sure how to parse this!...
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1d A number good and worried after circular letter (6)O-I-T- This looks like OPIATE, but I have no idea how this fits the clue!. Help! Many thanks...
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26a smoking you shouldn't have a pen (5) T-S-Y This looks like TASTY... smoking as is 'good'? And A STY - a pen, but why the T? Thanks...
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7d for a new salon creates things (8,7) P-----A- E---C-- This looks like PERSONAL EFFECTS but I can't parse it at all! Many thanks...
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24a unscrupulous type in court. No conclusion reached. (7) C------ Is this CHANCER? CHANCER(Y) with Y removed - no conclusion reached? Many thanks...
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19a saw head of state outside house having gentleman around (8) A-H-R-S APHORISM fits here but I can't see how it fits the clue! Many thanks...
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10a occasion entrants need to attend in lycra tops (6) E-T-I- This looks like ENTAIL, but I can't parse it at all. Many thanks...
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1a seeming old, wise to accept retirement at last (10) Please help to get me started... I've seen this as OSTENSIBLE but I can't parse it! Many thanks...
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8d strips of light paper with black plastic sea (8) ----E-M- This looks like SUNBEAMS, but I can't parse the complete clue. Many thanks...
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1a Killer's dosier, one detectives fill in (8) ------D- This looks like FILLICIDE (FILL + CID + I + ??) I can't parse the complete clue so any help gratefully received. Many thanks...
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24a cut that's bound to include page five hundred (6) --P-E- I've seen this as LOPPED but can't parse the complete clue. Many thanks...
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14d Needing break, homeworker tours street for a bit (7) I---A-- This looks like INSTANT, but I can't parse the whole clue. Many thanks...
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25a High flyer and rich earl busy ripping off banks (6) I-A--- This must be ICARUS, but I can't parse all the clue. !! Many thanks...
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9a Marine's story about halting descent (6) -B-E-L This must be ABSEIL (?) AB (seaman) LIE (story) but halting? Many thanks...
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2d Home of some in Derby perhaps (7) H---T-T This looks like HABITAT - Home, and also A BIT (some) ? But I can't parse the rest of the clue Many thanks...
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5d scored at last then went around with no top on (7) N-T---D This could be NOTATED (scored), but I can't parse the rest of the clue! Many thanks...
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13a writing page messily could be humbling (6,4,1,3) --K--- ---- - --- This looks like TAKING DOWN A PEG, but I can't parse the complete clue. Many thanks...

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