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3d Acrobat needs to get it right (7) T-M-L-R This must be TUMBLER, but I can't parse the whole clue apart from acrobat = tumbler Thanks...
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1a Ship in drift? (6) I have seen this as IMPORT, which means to ship-in, but drift? Many thanks...
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19d Maureen's in Alsace, she makes wine....(7) M-S-L-E This is clearly MOSELLE, but I can't parse it completely Many thanks...
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15d Suffering? Try toothbrush, perhaps? (9) H-A-----E This looks like HEARTACHE, but I can't parse it completely. Many thanks...
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6d bones touch and more the wrong way (8) S-I---P- This looks like STIRRUPS, which are bones but I can't parse the rest of the clue. Is is STIR and SPUR backwards?...
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13d Old criminal, still running? (10) -o-n---n-- Many thanks for any help!...
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16a Trio's appeal to enter Fight Club (10) -----R-I-Y This must be FRATERNITY.... FRA TERNIT Y with FRAY for fight, but I can't parse the rest of the clue. Many thanks...
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14a My doctor's intention - a lot of mistakes (10) C---I-E--- This looks like CORRIGENDA, but I can't parse it completely. My doctor's intention?? Many thanks...
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25a Limits restricting republican artist's commissions (7) E---N-S This looks like ERRANDS (commissions) but I can't parse the rest of the clue. Many thanks...
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18d Heal finally heals after nurse gets involved (7) E-L---S This looks like ENLISTS but I can't completely parse it. Many thanks...
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25a Odd wife that man rejected, of course (7) W-I-S-Y This must be WHIMSEY and I see W(ife) HIM and SEY (YES backwards) but can't completely parse it. Man rejected?...
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1a address according to zip code? (3,4) --P A-K This looks like PEP TALK, which is an address, but I can't parse the rest of the clue. Thanks...
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20a Perhaps like a 1970s filling for spring chicken? No! (4,2,3,5) This is clearly LONG IN THE TOOTH, but I can't parse it completely. Why like a 1970s filling ? Thanks...
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11a Very good fee for copy (6) -I-A-E This looks like PIRATE, which is a copy, and RATE is a fee, but why Very good? Many thanks...
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20d In sight of fine men, one buzzing around (6) -E-O-E Completely stuck on this one - is is BEFORE? But I can't parse it. I think it must have BEE in the answer.. buzzing around? Bur fine men?...
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12 a American street full of houses? (8) B-----A- This looks like BROADWAY, but why 'full of houses'? Thanks...
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3a Downing street's first defence? Outstanding (10) -W-------- This looks like SWALLOWING - which is DOWNING, ad S is first street... but I can't parse the rest. Many thanks...
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9a daily scrapping first section to be less bulky (6) -E-N-R This must be LEANER - less bulky, but I can't parse daily scrapping first section. Thanks...
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2s go stuff yourself (7) ----E-T This must be OVEREAT, but I can't see how to parse it completely. Thanks...
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12a Think of Republican motion Britain ignored (6) R-C-O- This must be RECKON, but I can't compeltely parse it. Thanks...

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