9a attempt to deceive an unknown person during short interval (3,2,2)
Is this TRY IT ON, but if so I can't see why, apart from 'attempt to deceive'.
Last few:
3d Those starting to invest need money (3) T-N. Is this TIN?
16a It may be smooth and hard (4) -A-H is this PATH?
15a Shout a greeting, having left (4) H-W- is this HOWL?
many thanks...
19 d rattle, say, very nearly storms out without a note.
Looks like maestro, which has 'storms' in it, but I can't see the wordplay - if this is correct...
7d one explains old model with skimpy clothing (9) G---S-T-R
The only word I can see which fits is GLOSSATOR but that just doesn't look right.