Last one!! 22d Wooden boxes with a twist (5) I have T-E-K and the only thing I can think of is TWEAK - teak with a w and tweak means to twist. But - can's see the connection with boxes. Thanks...
6d Made wind shelters the home of Craggy Island (6,3) F-T-E- / ___
This looks like FATHER TED, but I can't see what this has to do with wind shelters etc! Thanks...
Almost there - but 21d I'm disappointed when a tenor breaks a promise (5). I have OATH which is a promise, but what's the word play please? 22a In pursuit of boatman, head off (5) A-T-R. I have AFTER...
17a pirate's normally holding back assault (5) I have O-S-T and the only solution I can see is ONSET. Can't see the word play, if this is correct. Thanks
1d old man's attempt to join business with good baker (6.4) I have P-S-R- C--- and think it's PASTRY CHEF - but can't see why CHEF. The word PASTRY seems to be PA'S TRY, which fits, but chef?? Thanks...