7d Is it Ok to turn clergyman out? (10) I---C-----
This looks like INACCURATE - there's CURATE in there and it means 'out' - but I can't see the rest of the word play. Dean Mayer!!! Thanks...
Any help gratefully acknowledged
14a Half of country hampered by present decline (8) ... s?a?n???
4d A river with new crossing? I'm honoured (8) ... l?u?e???...
15d Old collection of books - making use of 19 in flight (2,3,4) I have o- t-e -i-- so it looks like ON THE WING since the answer to 19 is 'hatchet'. But it makes no sense to me. Help
9a No smooth backing in structure on bottom of ship (7) K-----N I think that this is KEELSON - which would be NOS backwards for the end and a KEEL is n the bottom of a ship and a keelson is the...
1a trendy and socially aware resort's needing no instruction (5-2): R-G-- / -- I think that this is RIGHT ON - which fits with trendy and socially aware - but what about the second part of the clue?...
26a stubborn soldier - after power - returned and was in charge (3,6) I have --G / -E-D-D. Is this RUG HEADED? but I can't see how this fits at all. Thanks
19a ship's officer maintains European river is not up to much (8) M-A----- (MIDDLING?) 12a Principal Muslim leaders said to be showing signs of rejection (10) H-A------- 27a Recorders perhaps ordered...