21a cultivated country girl can edit edited editorial (7,7) L------ ------- This looks like Leading Article (editorial) and girlcanedit is in this answer, but I can't parse the rest of the solution....
24 Bit of restlessness during sleeping is natural (6) I-B-E-
This looks like INBRED with IN BED plus R (restlessness) but I still don't see how it fits the rest of the clue.
Many thanks...
20d Hard to believe. City finally score! (5) --L-Y
This looks like TALLY (a score).
Hard to believe is TALL STORY, and Y is citY finally... but I can't parse the rest of it.
Many thanks...
1d Exceptional clue (6) S-G-A- This looks like SIGNAL, but is this because of SIGNAL double meaning? 16d Cow just spotted in marshland (8) -R-G-T-N I can only see BRIGHTON or CRIGHTON and parse...
21a Hard plays periodically put on under canvas (8) I-T-N--- Looks like INTENTLY but I can't completely parse it. ut I can 19d Plenty whine after going outside (8) O----N-E Looks like OPULENCE but I...
4d Black girl describing Conservative as "inferior" (6,5) ------ C----
This looks like SECOND CLASS - has CON and LASS but can't parse the rest of it.
Many thanks...
1a Be near opening of sheep fold (6) -C-I--
I can't completely parse this....
This looks like SCRIMP, opening of Sheep plus CRIMP (fold), but be near?
1a Rock that's good to listen to (6)
I have seen this as GNEISS which whilst I know this is a type of rock, I can't parse the rest of the clue.
Many thanks...
24a Fitness update is wrong to cover sex appeal (8) ----T-D- This looks like APTITUDE, which is 'appeal', and is also an anagram of UPDATE IT... but why IT? Any help would be gratefully appreciated....