Very grateful for all help with these clues please.
1dn: “See sign for “champion” (10).”
5dn: “They secure a great deal (8).”
10ac: “Head back before cycle races? (9).”...
3a Downing street's first defence? Outstanding (10)
This looks like SWALLOWING - which is DOWNING, ad S is first street... but I can't parse the rest.
Many thanks...
9a daily scrapping first section to be less bulky (6) -E-N-R
This must be LEANER - less bulky, but I can't parse daily scrapping first section.
22a city name outside walls of old outer part (8) E-T-D---
This looks like ECTODERM (outer part of the skin), but I can't parse the rest of the clue.
25a nut training around end of autumn (5) P-C--
This looks like PECAN.... N = end of autumn and pecan is a nut, but training around?
I can't parse it completely.
9a Sexy and glitzy, not ugly essentially (7) A-O---S
This must be AMOROUS which is clearly sexy, but I can't parse the rest of the clue.
Many thanks....
13a Sleeping male is surrounded by insects (7) --R---T This looks like DORMANT (sleeping) and M or MAN is contained in dormant... but surrounded by insects? I can't parse this bit of the clue. Thanks...