A fairly easy solve in contrast to the rather complicated preamble. I haven't tried to work out the title yet!
Farewell Ruslan - you will be missed....
That was quite a work-out. I admit to firing up the spreadsheet to help with the sorting, and once I'd got the theme and saw what had to be revealed I left a few loose ends till this morning. Some...
Luckily I spotted what had to be done fairly quickly -- a device regular solvers will have met before. This assisted in solving some tough clues. Slightly underwhelming, feeling a little...
Searching this site hasn't found any other threads for this puzzle, so here goes! I thought this was the toughest puzzle for some time. It took me several hours last night before the penny finally...
This is becoming rather sad - the third 'Goodbye crossword' in succession. What fine final words from Syd Lexis. Our thanks to him for years of enjoyment.
Sad to see a farewell crossword from Mr Lemon: I had not picked up the fact that he had died. A nice puzzle to remember him by though, with lots of nice clues and a final step that had me chasing...
This was a very clever idea by Samuel. Despite getting the theme quite quickly and also deducing the quotation, it took me quite a while to solve all the clues and to construct the grid. But there was...
Thanks for a good challenge, Kea. It was a nice challenge to determine the answers that had extra letters and not easy to get the two items from the extra letters. I am a bit concerned about what I...
A couple of lucky guesses helped me through this, so that I only needed to cold-solve about half a dozen clues before I could start filling the grid-- but admittedly I was lucky with the clues I...
I’m surprised that no one has yet commented on this first-class puzzle. Not the usual numerical but a thoroughly entertaining exercise in logic as well as plenty of clues to solve. Thank you, Ilver....
Full marks, Oyler! Sheer joy to have a numerical Listener with a theme. I never thought I would open the thread for a numerical. This will make our Listener year!
Yippee - great fun!...
Enjoying this so far. I have a full grid but, as yet, don't understand the instruction. Think I'll leave it till tomorrow, as inspiration often comes after a break....
Again, not too tricky. I admit, though, to having got the word from the quotation rather than by more direct means, and I should go back and check where two of the letters came from. Thanks, Kruger....
What a pleasure to have a theme that yielded itself so nicely without a fearsome final grid staring process. Of course we have had to resist the urge to insert the correct letters and it has been...
Have mixed feelings about this as some elements are truly very fine indeed but there seem to be a few inconsistencies in the details. For a long while, I imagined something more magnificent (maybe...
Was a bit upset to have to put the latest Magpie (plug, plug) aside, but lo and behold - it's a Magoo ! With just a couple of clues to go, the light has dawned and the penny has hit the ground. Just a...
I think I got (unusually) lucky with the gridfill on this, but even so, it was not quite as intimidating as the preamble led me to fear. A fun and fair workout with some entertaining clues. Thanks,...