1a- Stop, for example, horse eating root containing sulphur. (4,4) ??A? S?G?E 5a- Swimmer has to dry back. (6) ???B?T 24a- Expecting to find a 5 in part of crossword (6) G???I? 27a- Spurs' misery at...
Is there such a word as 'oner' - answer to clue in Mail on Sunday crossword 21a single continuous action, an outstanding person - Goldblend - thanks in advance!
Toxic salt of copper and arsenic with a vivid colour, used as a pigment, insecticide and blue colourant for fireworks (5,5): p?r?s?r?e?. Can anyone help please?
Last 3, cant track down 13aFrench fashion with English feel t.n.(4)14a Not all fodder is sent back-this is edible .d.o(4) 15a Establishing home that's big, with grass around (10) i.s.t.a.l.c. (or have...
25down - A privaleged christian spaniard under moorish rule 7 letters M***R*G 13across - A delicate fabric used for making curtains 8letters T*B*E*** 2down - One who studies unexplained moving...
I've just opened the crossword for today to see that I've won for last week's effort --- which wasn't easy either. That's the second time in as many months, so it can be done. I do the crossword for...