I Get put in the dungeon for 5 minutes then return and find that we have an influx of famous people posting on here. Well I am also famous for my candle lit musical barbecue swarray pimm's on the lawn...
tiggerblue10. Dont worry tiggs I have just been over to the news section and sorted them out for you. http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question78 1967.html I don't think they will be bothering you...
What have you nasty lot done to our tigger. tiggerblue10 Sun 12/07/09 11:49 Question Author No, you don't want to get on the wrong side of anyone in News or S&C. It can be more hair-raising than in CB...
I bet that a lot of you out there are sitting there and frightened to post as the trolls might get you Well dont worry as knobby is here to protect you and I will fight of the nasty trolls. So never...
I will celebrate my love for my little lippy duck as she is coming back to me tonight after she left me last week but we have made up the void in our life now and have realised that we were made for...
A candle lit musical barbecue swarray thingy with pimm's on the lawn if I can clear the dogs poo up in time, god why cant bouncer go round Pauls hoose and sheet on his lawn like everybody else does....
I have just woken up from my winter hibernation (sorry but I overslept a bit). So whats been occurring on here then while I have been out. I see that my old name has been banned so I have had to make...