1d West Lothian town, once home to a truck-buiiling plant.(8) (b?t?g?t?) 7d Scotland`s main coal power station,and site of last deep mine.(9) (L?n???n?t) 19d Proclaimers-based musical, Sunshine on...
9ac Scots equivalent if Ireland`s Whiskey hot.(5) (??d?y) 11ac former Lanarkshire regeneration body upsete a lad {anag} (i,i,i) (L?a) 21ac Pric kly denizens of Firhill park. (7,7) 27ac Village between...
1AC aWARD-WINNING variety of heuchera often seenin November? (9) (??r?w?r?s) 9ac Award- winning variety of Lavandula x chaytoriae- Tom`s (7) (S?w?e?/) 14ac (7) lanata, perennial also known as lamb`s...
2d Celebrating 40 years of a variety of Hybrid Tea Rose? ( 4-7) (??b?-??d?i??) 3d (7) (??l????) gift`, variety of Geranium x oxinianum. 5d `Seasonal` garden building.(6-5) (??m?e?-??????) 1d (3)...
1ac Award-winning variety of heuchera often aeen in November?(9) 9ac Award-winning variety of Lavandulax chaytoriae-Tom`s?.(7) 11ac `pheasant (3),` type of NARCISSUS.(3 13d `???- devil`,??? Falstaff`...
16d Code of silence practised by criminal organisations such as the Mafia.(6) (?m?r?a) 13d in existentialist philosophy, a feeling of dread arising from an awareness of one`s free will.(5) (a?gs?) 18d...
22ac In proportion, from Latin, according to the rate` (3-4) (?r?-??t?) 27ac Indonesian Island SE of Sumatra, the most populated island in the world.(4) (?a??) 28ac most active volcano on the central...
4d Any of four species of large coniferous tree of Africa and Asia,family Pinaceae,source of a sap used as a natural moth repellent. (5) (c?d?r) 6d Bitter white crystalline comound obtained from...
19ac Foremost units or divisions of an advancing militaey force. (8) (V??g?a?n) 10acSquire who financed the expedition of Jim Hawkins in Robert lkouis Stevenson`s Treasure Island. 1883. (9) 11ac Place...
9ac Not put to use.(9) (U?a???i??) 21ac Lustful.(9) (L???e?o??) 23ac Danced venue.(5) (D???o) 12ac Public vehicles .(5) (b?s?s) 27ac Absence of embarrassment.(3) (??a?e???s???s) 3d Open to view.(7)...
10ac oNE OF the men in 26 and11ac.(9) (J???e???n) 23ac lies.(8) 25ac.one of the men in 26 and 26 and11ac (9) (R???e????) 13d ditto one of the men.(10) (?a?h??????n)
10ac Kilo cube destabillises Cromarty Firth village.[anag](8) (?????k??) 12ac Caledonian constabulary.(5) (??l??) 15ac Isle to the south of Colonsay.(7) 29ac District and Port on east side of Loch...
7d Passerine bird genus of S andSW Asia to which the fairy bluebird belongs.(8) (i?e?i??e) 14d Systematic change of vowels that alters grammatical function, as in ring, rang, and rung. (6) (A?l?u?)...
1ac Chief official of the royal houehold, formerly also the licenser of plays.(4-!!) 10ac Rare granular Crystalline mineral, sodium aluminiumfluoride, used in the production of aluminium, glass and...
10,ac 6d,24d.THE Beatles` last number-one song in the US.(3-4-3-7-4) 25ac Forsake utterly17d7) (???n?o?) 26ac Punishment that puts a footballer on the spot.(7) (? e?a?)t?)