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My Dad is a really really heavy smoker. He wont tell me how many he smokes a day because he is 'embarrased to admit it' but I'm sure its between 40-60 a day. Last night he came home and told me how...
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there's suddenly a time for each posting! when did this happen? to explain, I'm not the most observant of guys. And guys, from what I've seen, are not that observant of  little things, like this....
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Any word of it coming back?   It'll be well-nigh impossible to replace Richard Whitely [and/or Carol] but I miss the programme.
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If you were getting a funny slogan t-shirt as advertised on the right, what slogan would you choose? (Try and make up your own).
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Just wanted to let you all know i am very happy with myself today! Cut back the ivy on the house and then my mates and i weeded, pruned, hacked, trimmed and cut a wee 90yr old ladies garden to...
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What is the best drink in the world? And why?
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I'm drunk - is anyone else? have ear pain and was told to take day off tomorrow so taking full advantage. Am assured that vodka will numb the pain x
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Episode 3 is startng, are we all concentrating this week?
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Parcelforce start ringing doorbells at 6:30am?? When did that happen??? So NICE of them
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Fireworks Freshly brewed coffee Sellotape (I know, a weird one) Aussie Mega shampoo
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i am making a jokey list of relationship rules for a guy on how he should get the girl he wants.... i need some jokey rules
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what is it??? discuss...???
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>peeps timidly round door, gasps in awe at all shiny gadgets and pretty coloured liquid in glass bottles, tiptoes over to cupboard marked hazardous materials, ooeer you made me jump sorry just...
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Can't sleep. Anyone up?
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I've posted a question on Internet and Technology. I can't get into any MSN tool. Which means I can't use messenger, and I can't get into froggers !!!! I'm having withdrawal symptoms...Heeeeelp ! I've...
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I hate cats.  they poo in my garden, they come in my house when i leave the door open.  Ive spent ?15 on a superduper watergun to flush them out the garden and off the fence. Money well...
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Will someone please go up to the card shop and buy me 2 birthday cards suitable for daughter number one's birthday tomorrow? It's raining and ummm well.....I cant be bothered! If someone goes i'll...
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been sat somewhere cold?
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Risky question here, running the threat of Boo's thread...anyone fancy some Truths?
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?anyone here ?

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