Do you have any examples? I was sent a text the other day which read "Peter Andre has just landed a job as a coal miner because he has four years of experience of humping slag and carrying a...
All my friends are coupled up and my partner can't come on holidays due to work commitments. Are there any holidays for youngish single people who aren't on the look out for romance? If so could you...
My partner has these and although i've read up on them online, i don't know anyone with any practical experience of dealing with them. Have any of you or your partners had them and if so how did you...
No No he's not dead. I have always found him funny on 8 out of 10 but id he funny in stand up. is it worth me going to see him and would you go and see him?
Bishops to close churches if swine-flu threat increases Share Diggdel.icio.usGoogleStumble UponFacebookRedditPrintEmailText Size NormalLargeExtra LargeAlso in National News Then there was nun Sisters...