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Is anyone else uncomfortable at the way sporting events now regularly hold a minute's silence after the deaths of people with no connection with the sport?
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If, as in the words of the song, what would you do?
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What was the track featured at the end of the boys golf championship on Sunday Grandstand on Sunday 25th August at 1:50pm?
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Has Richard Bach had any books published after 'One'?
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Can any one tell me what the track was the accompanied the Eric Cantona feature. Sounds very much like McAlmont & Butler - but isn't !
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anyone know the artist and title of this song: (lyrics) just one look at you.......... and i know its gonna be a lovely day , lovely day ,,,,,,,,lovely day........ this song featured in peter kays...
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Does improvise mean to perform and notate music at the same time?
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what is the music from the vw beetle advert?
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Some people think think zoos are cruel, and I understand. I hate to see a tiger locked up in a tiny cage. But, as long as the animals have plenty of free range and they are well looked after, that's...
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Geoff G
I'm still wanting to know what the music was that appeared in the tv ads for dubbonet in the sixties
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Sorry this isn't very rock'n'roll - but I'm sure I could save a load of money servicing my [Honda] lawnmower and/or car if I had the official service manuals. Presumably the companies don't let just...
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Why does your body sometimes convulse when you are just falling asleep?
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does anyone know the name of the song on the bount advert. where the man & woman are in the prison
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I heard that a microphone company sponsored a singer coz he abused his microphones during his act. Who was it and didi the mics withstand the abuse?
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Is upgrading to Win XP Home from Win-ME worth it?
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I've heard that Big spiders don't spin webs. So what is the point of them apart from reproduction and scaring humans?
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what is the music for the new hyundi adverts
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who does the track used on the new vw ad; the lyrics are along the lines of 'I'm ticking to you, cos I'm made of glue' in quite a high, squeeky voice?
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does anyone know of a site where someone slightly more than computer illiterate can just search for various artists and listen to a couple of their tunes without having to download a heap of stuff? i...
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I have a full UK car driving licence. If I buy a scooter I know I have to do a bike test. If the scooter's 125cc I can't have a passenger on board and I have to diplay l-plates. Can I just ride around...

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