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greenylegend / Is that total bullsh1t? Ive sent umpteen emails and the phone is constantly engaged. AB ED stand up and be counted , you aint being honest trahts for...
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my neighboures have a big pond, and i dont want to go outside and feel the squelsh of one underfoot < what should i do ?
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Judgeng by how many questions / queries / posts there are in the technology section of AB, ( particularly regarding computers ) would we be happier as a society if we lived a more simple life? I seem...
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I have a 25 year endowment life policy for ?17,000 with the Norwich Union which matures in 2012. Current expectations are that it will probably only yield approx ?13,000. How much could I reasonably...
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Is there any comparison between those who refused to entertain the idea that the Nazi's where a threat in the 30's with todays Islam apologists? Churchill was originally labelled an alarmist nutter by...
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I'll start the ball rolling 1) new shopping bags that stick together and will not open even if you ask it kindly 2) fruit with pips 3) stairs when there could be a lift 4) taps and showers with no...
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Anyone who believes that there isn't a steady Islamisation of Britain, should read this. 9/This-country-pro-Muslim-giving-succour-extre...
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Is it all its cracked up to be? Theres been a few people on here...including myself....who have bared there souls, warts 'n' all when they have been going through a bad patch (obviously thinking of...
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39 to day. ******, the card is upside down, must be 63 then.
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their stars for today - just tell me your sign!!
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so the 16 year old,shakilus townsend was a knife gang member,died crying out for his by the sword die by the sword i would have just been a matter of time before HE...
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How is everyone this monday morning?
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I want to fit a cabin hook to secure my new PVCu outward opening back door against the adjacent house wall - to stop it swinging in the wind when left open. Are there special screws use with for PVCu...
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Well after a telephone threat of "im coming to tenerife to kill you you cnut"from the lovely 4gs. What would folk suggest i have as a last meal? The condemned man always gets his last request. So...
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Just thought I'd leave you with this ... ed/2008/03/27/thong.jpg Goodnight. J xxx
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Well its looking like the facebook fiasco has come to a head . The end result would look like the possible reclosing of chatterbank. Well im sure after eds post the other day and the onslaught of the...
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Not sure if this constitutes a "News" entry on AB but did anyone watch "The Conspiracy Files" on BBC 2 tonight (Sunday) about the collapse of WTC building 7 on 9/11? I'm rather sceptical about the...
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On Thursday, at Leeds Crown Court, an illegal Iranian immigrant was convicted of male rape. The boy he raped was a friend of my daughter. He was given 6 years and will be deported when he's served his...
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dont ya just love the funny guy..
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In one of his beatitudes Jesus said that "the meek shall inherit the eartth". This is evidently a reference to Psalm 37:29, which says that the 'righteous will inherit the earth and live forever on...

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