My brother (my mums executor) is selling my mums and his house (tenants in common) to pay out the beneficiaries of the will. I have offered a good price and he refuses to sell to me, his attitude...
My husband was made redundant a couple of years ago and has been told by the job Centre we are not entitled to claim for Job Seekers allowance because of our savings (inheritance money). I have...
I've received a letter from the IR saying that I am £500 down on my NI contributions. I've received a small lump sum payment from a Teacher's Pension I earned from teaching in the 70's. My...
My brother is splitting up with his Ukrainian wife. They have a 7 year old son and she wants to return home with him. The separation is amicable and he is not putting any barriers in the way of this,...
we have a mortage in Ireland but we now live in the uk and have no plans to move back. we are struggling to pay back our repayments and survive in the uk, if we miss our repayments will this bad debt...
I have recently rented out my flat through a letting agency,, they have a tennant in place and everything seems fine, but the agency will not give me the tennants guarantors details. Is this legal??...
I got made redundant 2 years ago and we have debts that we have no hope of ever repaying , around £40,000 in all to finance companys and banks. I have seen a CAB adviser who says the best option...
How much notice are you legally entitled to before your landlord visits your property? Does property also include the garden that you rent or can he just come strolling through whenever he fancies?
http://www.theanswerb.../Question1003912.html I have checked the Deeds to our property and in the Proprietorship Register it states:- Proprietor: (My late husband's name) and (My Name). Does this mean...
My son has failed to pay a monthly payment and it was passed to a debt collection service,who in turn I assume have sold it on to a new debt collection service with a higher demand.. My son who has...
How can I evict a lodger lawfully. The lodger in question is my ex partner, I am a tenant and i know it is wrong but he is not down on my tenancy agreement hence the reason why i am asking for help We...
Hi, I hope someone can help. My aunt is in her late 60s and has lived in the same house since birth. Her father died in 1981, and although she continued to live there the ownership had never been...
I am a Trustee along with my mother and my sister of a Trust to pay out money to help my children/her grandchildren with housing. My brother is a Trustee along with my mother and our Solicitor of a...
Hi, i'm hoping that there are a few legal eagles out there who can help. I need to know what this section of a Will means - to hold the remainder upon trust and to hold the income thereof upon...
We rent a shop for which we renewed the lease in 2006. There is a 5 year break clause which we now intend to exercise. However, on checking back, we are pretty sure that we didn't actually sign the...
As some of you lovely people know I recently lost my husband. We were just getting back on our feet financially when he died and were in arrears on our mortgages. The mortgagee has agreed to give me 6...
I need some advice about what do and which option is best. I currently own a 2 bedroom flat that I could for about £190k. The mortgage I owe on it is £115,0000. I want to sell it and buy a...
my daughter has had a letter from a solicitor saying her ex wants access to his daughter .She is two, and the ex has had no contact by his own choice for 18 months. His name is on the birth...
Hi, I am in rather a difficult sitaution and I want to know if anyone is able to give me some advice... I am currently living in a house with 4 other people. We have been living there since September...