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a homeless, elderly lady lived in her car (16 months, 2 bitter winters). Hearing of a job (unpaid) and her/caravan could live rent free, so borrowed £1,500 to buy one. The job wasn't as...
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Is the rent now paid to the Landlord or directly to the person receiving the money to pay to the landlord
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i live in a flat above some shops. there are 4 flats in all. one staircase leading to 2 flats and another staircase leading to the other 2. when i come down my stairs which are outside there is a...
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My little sister is in a coma. At present we have no reason to believe she won't wake up and live a relatively normal life. She has a bank loan and credit card which have ppi, how do i activte this....
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A couple of questions I have here and would appreciate any answers or advice. Number one is i was in debt and due to repayment problems the loan was passed to a debt collection agency and I made a...
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Need the advice of our learned Answer bank people. Basically I am trying to raise some money for a neighbour who is in a financial crisis. (I will save you the sob story) Now obviously this would not...
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We have received a Notice of a Charging Order being placed on a property we own. With the documentation was an Interim Charging Order that was issued at a Hearing on 13 th December 2010. We had no...
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Hi guys, I was let go as a temp worker back in October and have not found work since. I have since applied for and currently receive Job Seekers Allowance. However, As I have no income whatsoever, I...
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Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me please? My brother in law has been admitted to an EMI care home due to dementia and his house needs to be sold to pay for his care. His nephew has power of attorney...
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i am thinking about doing the above. The details are that i have a car on credit (where at the end you can either hand the car back or pay a balloon payment. As part of the agreement, if you have paid...
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A relative, aged 53, very recently died at home/ in the ambulance/hospital. They had a visit from the police. The person concerned had bypass heart surgery some 18 months previously, and whilst still...
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I have a joint bank loan with my ex-partner and he is refusing to contribute towards paying off the £2000 left out of £7500 borrowed from the bank. How do I go about making him pay his...
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I think something similar has been asked before but... Mr Planks signed a legal document at the beginning of December making him a partner in his father's business. The accountant who drew up the...
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my friend is having trouble with her landlord regarding her boiler. She has a 4 year old, 5 month old and is pregnant again and lives with her partner. Anyway she has had no heating or hot water in 3...
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Can anyone advise me how to terminate a tennants in common agreement on our house? Myself & my wife own 45% each, wihth 10% owned by my late mother in law, she has willed her 10% to 8 of her...
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are annuities classed as personal pensions. are they means tessted against benefits-even though its for my kids.tia
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how much would i have to pay back weekly -my fault though -on £3000 ithought my annuity didnt have to be declared tia iam still on income support
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i recently bought an engine from direct engines. i specified i needed an AQN engine and when it arrived it had neither engine code or engine number on. the company are claiming that its tough Sugar...
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iam on long term sick due to heart probs -i get income support +disabiltity premium. i have started to get a private pension £150 approx per month. will this affect my housing benefit ,council...

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