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gotta work and its freezing out :-( hope today passes without incident......we seem to have lost a few regulars.....lets hope we lose no more :-)
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A Chill Wind
If everyone who wishes to chat off-site joins Just Waffle or whatever it's called, then AB Ed can close down ChatterBank, restrict AB Suggestions to bona fide comments then maybe, just maybe...
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i'm in and its a right orgy in there....
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Ronnie and/or Taz are the weakest link!
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As Froggers is no more :-( Thankyou Twiggy for doing it in the 1st place, it was a great place. I fully understand your reasons for getting rid of it though :-) However, I been thinking.........we all...
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aka pixi
Thank you Twig and Mrs Twig and also the lovely barmaid for making Froggers an enjoyable place to hang out and have fun. Froggers will be truly missed. :(
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It is ILLEGAL to take other peoples pictures and post them on the net or wherever, without the original posters consent. Maybe you need to revaluate who your friends are. Froggers has gone now.
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Woodsz maybe some boys ya pays ya money ya takes ya choice
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There was this fellow who worked for the Post Office whose job it was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses. One day a letter came to his desk, addressed in a shaky handwriting to God....
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could anybody please tell me what pauline fowlers new boyfriend used to be in. Thanks Tracy
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And i was all geared up for a rant!
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This is what we are looking for: /103-4185679-6806245?v=gl
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This is driving me bananas!!!! I've been searching the flippin' internet for bl00dy hours, where have they hidden all those Power Rangers Dino Thunder things!!!Never fear HLL, Cat will think of...
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...........................A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other of the after life. The woman's biggest fear was that there was no heaven. After a long...
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Does anyone else really despise the new advert for GHD Hair straighteners? It's pathetic! Can't they even advertise hair products without it being a reason to have two half naked girls rolling about...
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I had to get on a bus full of schoolkids today .. and as soon as the doors opened they all piled on .... now .. i'm not a small geezer, but they were really pushing into me like i weren't there ... so...
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The personnel director was interviewing people for the position of account executive. One candidate offered excellent references and experience, and he was well-dressed and well-spoken. The only catch...
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removes jacket....takes starts thumping.....does the splits....jumps to feet....spins round 3 times....and moon walks off the dance floor..
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in favour of toffu..........what does toffu look like?.... does it have legs and breast like turkey?

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