did anyone see when simon cowell said to louie ..that girls aloud had said in the press that their was no talent on x factor..louie looked really embarassed..to be honest apart from nadine in girls...
its really wet here..and the wind was strong when i got up early as usual..so i had to put my wellingtons on and creep out fast with the squirells breakfast..its blowing my greenhouse around..hope it...
If you are in a loving and tender relationship, is it acceptable to have sex with someone else, even if your motivations are purely lustful? Is it morally wrong, or can it be fun, inspirational,...
Mornin folks, just called a taxi for work. Extremly hungover, plus the dynamite they use for fireworks nowadays doesn't help. But, i'm not one for complaining....ahem. Have a nice one anyhoo :O)