1 Peer: "I'm sadly what Britain lacks now" (6) 10 In tears, if trousers strain (4) (is it Pant) 21 Maybe Capitol attacker from big city, getting stretch? Not quite (6) R?????? 22 Drugs abound –... ...
CotW :- Met Expectations (7,8) Is it CAPITAL ACCOUNTS? If so, Why? 12 A/c :- Apple check on case of networker (8) R?I?E?T?. It looks like REINETTE (Apple), with REIN (check), but how is ETTE... ...
11a Who'll put you under Tony - ***, lost without power: ????oi?? (That should be all one word, I don't know why it's been divided up like that.) 13a Considered: "However, Trump just got... ...
11a, Way of walking whilst taking one gun round(4) -A-K? 12a,Book her Jamie misbehaving(8) T-R-M-A-? 14a,Electrical instrument used to shatter another egg inside(8)-H-O-T-T? 20d, I had turned up £2... ...
Enigmatist too enigmatic for me today. Can anyone help? In each of these four I see the definition, but not the wordplay. 11) Italian kid, a fifty-something on a vespa! I have BAMBINO 24) I'll give... ...
Can you think of a 3-figure number that, if you reverse the positions of the first two digits, will give you a number one-fifth greater than the original number?