I have a dataset which includes a column for order date/time - I need to populate an additional comment with the week in which the order was completed (week commencing monday for this purpose). Does...
I am considering buying one of these but was wondering whether it would work with Sonar Home Studio 4. Would I simply plug it into the USB on my PC and Sonar would pick up the sound or would I end up...
I am considering purchasing a laptop and would want to get an external soundcard (not techie enough to be able to install anything onto a laptop) with multiple inputs that I would be able to use with...
Does anybody know what a new band could expect to be paid for it's first support slot on a short UK tour? The main band are also fairly new but have a strong following... Obviously just a VERY rough...
I recognise that I'm probably about 9 years too late but I was watching the D'You Know What I Mean video last night and I really want a pair of sunglasses like the ones Liam is wearing - does anyone...
I am manager of Everton of FM2007 and have a pathetic transfer budget (?1.5m) - does anybody have any gems that I could get either v.cheap or possibly on loan. I've already availed myself of Lassan...
Right, I've put something in place that will restrict access to particular forms/reports in Access dependent on a users NT Login and password - does anybod know how I can make it so that the password...
I am attempting (underlined, in bold) to enforce some security on a database without using the user level security package in access (I have a lot of db's and it would be inefficient to do that)....
I have a band who are interested in playing some showcase type gigs in Liverpool in the near future, does anybody know of a promoter who is putting on anything like this or any bars that have regular...
Does anybody know anything more about a band called The Revelator? They've got a couple of tracks at www.overplay.co.uk/therevelator which are quite interesting and different and I was wondering if...
I am trying to run a pass through query from access to update a table in SQL Server, the query requires a join from the SQL table to a table in Access. I cannot seem to get the query to recognise the...
Does anybody know how much it costs to move your sky package when you move home? Our new place has got a dish but I don't just want to move without telling them as I just bought the Prem Plus season...
GetUserID used to work in previous versions of Access to populate a combo box with the user but this seems to have been removed from 2003 - does anyone know any code to replicate this? I'm running on...
I am trying to concatenate DATEPART(day, Order_Date) from a given table with DATEPART(Month, GETDATE()) and DATEPART(Year, GETDATE()) but all the results I am getting so far have been 2041 which is of...
Does anybody know a statement to enable me to amend the amount of days back a query will look depending on whether it is a monday or any other day of the week - on a monday it will need to look for...
Does anybody know the chords to Hail Mary by Mark Owen? I know he's not the most credible of artists but it's a genuinely good song I reckon - just can't find the chords anywhere!
Has anybody heard this lot? I read a review about them being the next big thing but when I saw them I was distinctly unimpressed - a bit like Doves-lite for my liking. Any thoughts from anyone?