Section 3. Which programmes do these cryptic clues help identify? 23 The wrong way of school. 25 The Bus stumbles. 27 What you may say to a classic painting. No number of letters given.
I want to donate online to a Charity. I don't want to get involved with the banks fraud dept,as I did last month when I paid £1,500 in back rent,and had to go through a long proceedure with the... ...
Help please Ctyptic. Clues to British and Irish places including letter K c) Borough for chefs in Co Tyrone (9) I Edwards I - VII in London (5 5) This question is a story with words beginning with... ...
?f?e?t?a?...thought it maybe effective? but dosn't match up with 18A clue Old Americanfriends who first made amends for the state of the nation= . Founding fathers! Any thoughts. Thanks in... ...
22 ac,and 17 down unravel a self-testament that gives the lie 5/9 letters, 12and 13 ac oh to be in the core of it ,and know whats what, 2/3/4 letters ,4 down and 27 ac tis still typically topical... ...
Answer is drink ( type, brand, cocktail etc) No letter count given. 15. Imagine minus physical dimension. I had an answer but I'm unsure,so help please.
Find the link 6) BLIND ? CHECKS (4) Find the connection between these words by changing the vowels: DURWON, MURCANE, WUTT,CORUA answers are anagrams ANIMALS/TV PROGRAMME 8/3,5