Please can anyone help with the last three occupations. No.8 Show me the way to go home (9). No.10 Time Gentlemen (8). No.18 Someone who is always on time (10). Thank you.
1) Huband cutting pig up in display (4,3) S?O? O?F. It has to be SHOW OFF (display) with H (husband) in SOW (pig), but how does OFF mean "up in"? The nearest I can get is that OFF means "high"... ...
These last two have stumped me. Answers contain the letters 'ite'. The answers are in alphaetic order so they are both beginning with c,d or e. They are No.5 Means of determining what a thing... ...
Arts and crafts c/d December 24 1. Binding 2.Normally blue, green or azure 3. Pale quip 4.Gallimaufry 5. Patters to unknown 6. Piece reserving. No letter counts. Thanks.
Please help us! we only need a few more in the Diffney 24: the A of the 4 M 32: 1/2 H 37: 5 P in a Q 42: C C, A I L C 2023/2024 (really need help on this one :( ) 49: M Y M of 20 S G 50: I 0 2 59: E 1 to... ...
1. Aperture and cuddly toy nestle together 2. Belonging to man in short week 3. Very small farewell movement 4. A policeman 5. Cod with golf shot 6. Vivaldi should give you this 7. Company, ground... ...
comes in written word 3. reserves 8. really exciting cook is premier edition first 25. about the vista 30. beside farm animal 34. this is one? yorkshire river 35. expire physically spoil ignores... ...