I feel really stupid asking this ,but I cannot for the life of me see what the answer is.
26a. Murder that is engaging Christie principally 3 letters I?E...
2D. Torture regularly? Can that be right(4)
21D Guzzle various hors d'oeures horses ignored(6)
24A You can turn it up in a book (6)
25D She's lazily dumped street directory (4)...
Daily Mail Thursday 31st May. No. 14247 1d) Part of the UK thats hearterly reunited in short. (Two words) eight and seven letters. If the answer is Northern Ireland could somebody please explain the...
Can you help me please.
18a GP provided time to wander about 5 letters D?I??
25a they shine at Sandhurst in osed area, somersaulting 7 letters T?E???S...
1a (5,6) ??b?? ??????? no priest enters Central American nations top awards 1d (8,7) ??r????? ??????d Part of the UK that's heartily united in short 27a (7) h?????i I was silly to accept greetin by...
Stuck on a couple today.
22A (8) They don't last long in border laid in record time (_P_E_E__) can only think of Speeders?
18D (6) Its boring back inside derry's walls (_R_ _ _)
I do, it's just not possible to be that camp but straight, don't get me wrong, i love the guy but just think he needs to come out of the closet and be true to his feelings if he is that way inclined....
My last one and I can't figure out the name of this train company! 86d (8) First ...... train company -C-T-A-L This will be payback for my never travelling by train! Grateful for any help, many thanks...