help required with the following
5a some inspecting preserve gel (6) p?????
6d dispute many on trial (7) ??n???t
7d notions placed aside (5) ??e??
any help much appreciated thanks in advance...
help required with the following
1d and 26d deny dense ivy, obscuring scottish country singer (6-6) S?d?e? ?e?i?e
Any help much appreciated thanks in advance...
Help required with the following
29d indefinite article on Small Isle upsets English for running neither tae haud or bind (5) A?
u?K Any help much appreciated thanks in advance...
Help required with the following
18d alternative name for the viper (5) ???p?
23delectrically charged particle (3) h??
Any help much appreciated thanks in advance...
Help required with the following 5a part of new york where Mahler composed (6) h????? 11a month taken with duck sauce (4) 20a tiny page written about African (8) ?g???i?n 22a artist in restaurant gets...
help required with the following 12a start our errantry in this car (6) ?o???r 13d respond to alternative nuclear apparatus (7) ????t?? 17d girl with old rope (5) ??s?? any help much appreciated...
help required with the following 8d semi precious variety of chalcedony (5) ?g??? 12a small slip of paper (4) ?h?? 15a take great pleasure in (5) ?r?o? any help much appreciated thanks in advance...
help requred with the following 15d unmade as a novelty to the point of producing disgust (2-7) a? n???e?? 20d its prickly no end right difficult problem (6)???s?? 24a in spring about 500find...