Hi not sure where to put this question, so came here :) Had an old tv and used to get very annoyed when writing along bottom of screen use to be missing from the edges so decided to get myself a new...
say your electricity bill, the rates you are charged, how it set out and the many options of costs, i don't and now my company is dropping the rate i had been on and after speaking with one of the...
I would like to use my two wall mounted small bookshelf speakers with a subwoofer. Last setup with a standard CambridgeAudio azur amp killed the subwoofer. Are there standard 2 channels + subwoofer...
I have an old out of contract and unlocked HTC smartphone that I would like to use as a backup/second phone however I do not want to enter into any contracts, is there a pay as you go smartphone sim...
why do they put Rita Tanner in such awful wigs ? surely they could get her a few decent ones to wear, is she bald ? I feel sorry for her in the ones they provide, especially in last night's episode.
Following helpful discussions a few months ago (thanks guys for your help) I have had 2 quotes. Fischer Heat and Wibo, for upgrading 25 year old storage heaters. Just wondered if anyone who has had...
Is getting more stupid everytime its on! I've missed lots of episodes as I didnt like the storyline with Debbie Dingle but now i think the storyline with Laurel is even worse and also the drugs/vet...
i have a few devices that i would like to use occasionally (scanner ,web cam ,not for web use ) that win 7 has no drivers for just want check if i installed xp on a separate partition i could use that...
My Dell computer with XP has been running very slowly for a while, and was excruciatingly slow earlier today. I decided to restart, but it won't. I get a screen briefly showing the Windows logo and...
Finally decided my retro Razr has lost its appeal and want a smartphone. Apart from thinking Android I'm totally lost and overwhelmed by the choice - PAYG, SIM free, contract. Where the hell do I go...
Only saw the first episode, but why did the policeman call Gennie Mrs Walker? Also did Debbie say she pulled Gennie out the car? Seems unlikely she would be able to do that but I haven't seen every...
i have had LG flat screen t.v for about 6yrs. it for the first few minuets when switched on the picture jumps and is distorted.it will then settle down. am i being told something? like get saving.
Crazy hi-res image of Tokyo which you can zoom in and explore.
There was one last year (I think) of London, worth having a spin :)...