Looking for an answer to the following question don't know how many letters but the answer contains the word 'mont'
Wire used to raise a head-dress
Many thanks in advance for your answers...
I,m trying to complete a charity quiz but the following three have me stumped-any suggestions would be appreciated (1) 9= G of I in an O (2) 5 = E in the M P (3) 39 = C of the N H Many thanks in...
I'm still struggling to complete my charity ditloid quiz.Some suggestions for the following would be of assistance No 1 6=C of N P No2 7=N in the DS No 3 40=T and A B No4 39= C of the N H and finally...
I'm stuck on four ditloids to complete a local charity quiz. Are there any suggestions please? First-- 22= M (GP of an E ) - Second 6= C of N P---Third 7= N in the D S and finally 6= C (PT) Many...
I need three ditloids to complete my charity quiz,any suggestion will be appreciated
9 = G of I in an O 150= P in the B of P and finally 78= TC in a P
Many thanks in advance....
I'm struggling to finish a ditloid charity quiz-any suggestions would be welcome-there are three- 1st --39= C of the NH. 2nd--5=W ona E in the MP--and finally--24= W on an AC. Many thanks in advance
Can anyone help please? I have 2 cryptic clues the answers to which should reveal the name of an English town or city.Unfortunately I do not have the number af letters. Clue 1---- Old penny's lack of...
I have two cryptic clues which should reveal the name of two English towns or cities.Unfortunately the number of letters in each are unknown. No1 Split the country No2 Watering hole for time wasters?...
Just one to complete quiz.The answer is a creepy or crawlie (No.of letters unknown)The clue is " Try to influence by insinuation" It has been suggested that worm could be the answer,but I...
Can anyone help please?The clue is "It is said that you should run for your life".The answer is an insect or creepy crawlie but we don't know how many letters.Thanks in advance,
Can any one help.Question is" possessed of a soft and kindly nature"The answer (no.of letters unknown)is an insect or creepy crawlie.Thanks in advance.
I only need two answers to complete the quiz.British towns( No.of letters unknown) with the following Clues-1) "Singed" and 2) Straight Line.Any suggestions would be appreciated
Can anyone help please?I need the name of a british town (number of letters unknown)
from the cryptic clue"All the food was wasted! Many thanks in advance....
Just trying to solve this one.The answer is an insect or creepy crawlie.Sadly I don't know how many letters there are,but the cryptic clue is " Seems to be some doubt about its aerial...