I have just checked my 'profile' and I have found several questions that I have posed where AB'ers have provided answers for me, and I haven't said my thanks to them. I usually put TIA at the end of...
I think I've solved the crossword OK, but the shaded squares have to make a Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire village name. The letters I have are E, N, O, P, P, R, T,W. Does anybody out there have any...
Primarily known as K2, Mount Godwin-Austen or The Savage Mountain, the second highest peak in the world (7) I have D?P?A?G.
Any help will be appreciated. TIA...
Please I need your help.... Trying a local paper crossword, and can't solve the last one. Most answers are 9 letters, but some are 2/7; 3/6; 4/5 etc. Clue 1ac Below Average (9) I have s?b?o???l [I...
I am doing a local crossword and am stuck on the last 2/3. a) 7ac Of the shores (9) I have L???o?a?s b) 8d Hindustani classical music (5) I have ??p?a c) 3d Induce stupor (9) I have narcotise - a...
Please excuse me but this will be a bit lengthy. Have (I think) solved all of a local crossword, but for the last one. 5D Curses (9) I have E?E?R?T?S [The answer can be 1,8; 2,7;3,6;4,5 or vice versa...
Seeking clarification and help on an earlier question. I might have been misleading everyone, so here goes. Q. Huge International Chemical Company (5) I Have A?ICO. I think these letters are OK. The...
A bit stuck on this crossword, and would appreciate some help. 7d Huge International Chemical Company (5) I have a?ico (I wonder if it is Amoco, but I do prefer the 'i') The i comes from Rabbi, answer...
Stuck in a small central area, so need your help please. 28D Amount coming round is, in Paris, merry (7) Have ?o?t??? 30A Haberdashery item not to be placed in container (6,4) Have cotton wool, but...
Just one to finish from a Camra mag crossword: 28a This followed by 'cheating'; an expression for wasting valuable drinking time (7) I have e?t?n?s. I think the letters are correct. The 'e' is from...
Last one is 35D, which I presume is rare metal, but I can't confirm, so please any help will be appreciated. 35D Non-precious substgance such as aluminium, copper, tin or zinc (5,4). I have ?a?e ?e?a?...
I am trying to participate in a local crossword quiz and am stuck on one. The answers are stated as 9 letters but can be 1/8; 2/7; 3/6; 4/5 and vice versa. Hobby (9) I have a?o?a?i?n (I think it is A...
You all turned up trumps for Barbie, but have now found one more to answer.
It is still a toy or a game. TIA for any help
Q. Fishy group of directors (10)...
This quiz has to do with toys and games. I have one left to solve, but try as I might, can't come up with an answer. Any help will be appreciated. 1. Australia's favourite cooker (6) (No letters...
Two needed to complete a local quiz, now the photos have been sorted for me. 1. An ecclesiatical shelter for an Anglican priest at a funeral (4) ??d? 2. The Roman God of fertility (10) ??o???r?n? I...
I was having terrible problems with tinypic yesterday, so apolgies to anyone who tried to help me, but I seem to have cleared it now. Sheet of thirty small photos of film stars. The ones with a line...
I have copied a document to my desktop, and it has saved as a jpeg, which tinypic say is an invalid format, so I have saved it again as a document (.docx), but it won't accept that either. Can anyone...
I am participating in a local quiz, and doing fairly OK so far, but have run into difficulty with the Film Stars portion. I have uploaded the whole sheet to tiny. pic, but have put a line through...