Numerous "fairminded" individuals on here frequently lambast any Daily Mail article used as a link, regardless of the subject or substance. Personally, I don't care about the source for any...
I aim this mainly at posters in urban areas. Personally, I like them - I like the sounds they make, the look of them, their habits, the fact that (most) cats co-exist with them. My solution to them...
Have a beautiful cat who is 10years old this year and i have always missed haing a dog, i work earlies and lates maybe looking for a older dog any thoughts anyone?
All surrounding districts where I live in Dorset they are having snow problems, but ours has all but gone, just a little where people have crushed it into ice.
Roma the brilliant shar pei rescue lady got a call from a dog warden over the New Year to say they had a blind shar pei whose owner threw it out over xmas and the dog was going to be put down the next...
Hi everyone, The following animal footprints were found in our front garden this morning. My partner says he thinks they are very big for the average nocturnal animal and to show scale there is a...
Hi everyone i just want to ask people to remember the elderly in weathers such as were having at the moment, if your popping to the shops can you please check if your elderly neighbours need anything,...
They said it would definitely go permanent but it hasn't.I reckon they just used me for Christmas. There still doesn't seem to be much out there. How annoying cus I was hoping to get on a half decent...
Chickens and a racehorse "spooked" by the Red Arrows display team jets were considered more important than our squaddies maimed and injured in places like Afghanistan. A vast amount of...
Picture the scene: A young woman alone at home at midnight with her young child asleep upstairs spots two prowlers in her garden staring in. Terrified, her first instinct is to grab a knife before...
When you was younger did you ever dream of 'Making it" with riches and a lifestyle bigger and better then where you are now, how does your lifestyle compare to how you wanted or thought it would...
I am watching a show on BBC 1 and one of the subjects is jury duty. A man who refused was charged and given a fine for refusing to take part. Do you think this is right. Should people have a right to...
For the attention of those braindead types who pipe up about the "global warming lot" going quiet when there's 2 days of snow and adopting the head in the sand approach:...
I hope I'm in the right place. I need to write a letter to my parish council concerning the applications that have been put in to build around my local village. Now I have never had to write anything...
Did anybody read Page 9 in the Newsof the World yesterday? 'Hate preacher' Anjem Choudary states that Lord Mandelson should be stoned to death for being gay, but the worst quote of all is that he said...
I answered a thread about the 60's and 70's which was quite interesting......there was nothing contentious on it but I now cannot find it.
Have I lost it or has it been deleted?...