They come in many colours. Some are small, some are large. Some are cheap to run, others are expensive. Some need a lot of maintenance, others very little. The key is in the choosing. CCVlll
Watching this on TV now. What a load of weey pants. It is so bad I may protest by switching channels. Do I watch Earthquake in a few minutes? I have it at home on DVD, but it is very good.
Just had a few interesting shots on this.Though its hardly mind taxing its a way to pass the minutes.I just won 34 15.Have you had a shot on the dot s?Would you recommend it to others to pass the time...
Garth brooks good or bad in your opinion? Masterchef are the meals appetising looking or a bit poncey? Do you think immigrants should be treated better in the uk? Traffic wardens arent they just doing...
to my bed. sod what the night nurse leaflet thing says(take day nurse and night nurse 4hr appart) im taking the ruddy thing and hoping it doesnt ruddy kill me. night night all.
the first panda to be born in europe in 25 years is cute. i cant remember what its name is, buts its head looks way to big for its body. its too cute =]
right, feeling in the mood to write something, so a story about something. i have some ideas, but can anyone think of anything? i was thinking a murder sort of story.
hello, can anyone tell me which shops sell spongebob merchandise??my 1 yr old niece is mad on him!! I can only find merchandise on online stores and would really like to view before buying to make...
hii one of my closest friends is being left out by her so called best friend, but since we started high school her best friend has been leavin her out and being mean to her and telling her new friends...