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Last one if anyone can please help? 5d Variety of igneous rock containing a large amount of feldspar usually foud in sills and dykes. ?o?e?i?e
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16d relinquishing tax charge c?????n 23a four arranging travel outside using thre regulatore t????l?e 20a lose many a scottish island m????y I am stuck on these last three and cannot get into them at...
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2d Answer...................L?M?N I can only think of lumin but am not sure. What do you think?
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I am well stuck on these final two clues.........can someone please help? 15a Scheming American is after video nasty CE??O?S 2d A literary Duchess`s place in Italian town A?A??I
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3d. Lady learning thanks tenor included (7) ?o?etta Is it noretta( a name I havent heard of but which fits the clue) or ronetta with similar reasoning OR rosetta (a name I am familiar with( but which...
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Ive worked them out for myself with the help of dictionaries and cookery books. ISSUE was correct and the pasta is ORZO. Sorry if Ive wasted anyones time.
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Last one! 24d Promises to pay maiden inside coming up from Scandinavian country S-O-I
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26A Term used in law for offspring I-S-E Is it `issue?` 20A Pasta shaped like pearls of barley, used in Greek cuisine _r_o
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12a Cause distaste when shy newcomer comes in -l-y 18a read cut-out article by excellent tabloid 3-3 Is it `red hot` Im not sure about the `hot`
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37a Public lecturer at a foreign university, employed to teach their native language. l_c_o_
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24d energy failing to pass (6) ?l???e 32a. a game played on horseback eg is awful for poor specimens (9) ???l?g?e? Also I dont have clue as to who the people are in the anagram of...
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14d It links team with student and bumpkin. ?o?e? Last appreciated.
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28a Type of silk with contrasting coloured warp and weft threads s?o?
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going up or down in novel about middle class people 3/4 a?a/ a?a?
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I cant get into the bottom right corner apart from 20d pagoda. Im getting tired.....can anyone help please?
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2d Worthless English guy (4) Is the answer puny? I have ?u?possibly y If that is the answer .....why????
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Sorry folks......I got my letters transposed! Jolly frisky airmen should read ?a?i?? giving MARINE (anagram of airmen) Problem now solved....I can go to bed now!
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Im stuck on these 2. Can anyone help?27a Jolly frisky airmen ?a?r?? 20d Delivery mann to settle with monarch ?e???mer
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Im either thick or Ive gone terribly wrong somewhere....26d genial and sympathetic. 39a split pulses in Indian cookery. 52a ostentatious luxury and glamour Please help as these are all I have left.
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25a economic it liberalism???

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