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Last one....any help appreciated. 22d One game in German city. T?I?R...
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Last one and I dont recognise the word. Any help appreciated. 24a Former ancient city with one taken in by scholar from prosperous residential areas. O?U?B?A...
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Stuck as usual on the last one....any ideas appreciated. 22d Inside centre panicking in snare. ?R?P?N...
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Stuck on the bottom right corner. Any help appreciated. 19d Mercury maybe getting slightly twisted in printing roller. ???T?N 20d Lag behind recast team. ???A?E...
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Stuck on last one.....any ideas appreciated. 14a Fellows surround a base. ?E?F...
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Struggled with this anagram for a week and more. The answer is something found in or around the garden and there are 3 words involved. AABBCEEEGFHILRTTTUWY Any help would be appreciated....
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Stuck on the last one. Any help or guidance appreciated. 19a I enter three-quarters of area in Jerusalem. ?I?M...
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Stuck on the last one. Any help appreciated. 23d Animals of a badger-like genus, akin to the gluttons. ???E?S...
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Not sure of the last one.....any ideas appreciated. Tactful change by ambassador? 10.4) diplomatic ?o?e I have `role` there a better solution which I cant see?...
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Stuck on 2 this morning....any help appreciated. 23a. Shapely game on board.(9,5) ?A?A?O?A? C?ESS I guess its chess but whats the other bit? 24a Count lured in a daze. ?E?L?D...
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Totally stuck on last two. Any help appreciated. 11d Is breaking key instrument,I confess,and creating confusion. D ?S?R?A?I?H?? 27a Suffering in opening without queen? Good. ?N?E???ING...
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Stuck on the last one and cant find a reference anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 14a The withdrawal of a pattern from a mould. ?E?I?S?Y Remissly or Demissly ?????...
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28ac Holiday express - rising fare! (9) *R*C***S* Many thanks...
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Stuck on this one. Any help appreciated. 15a Old Japanese gold coins O?A??S...
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What can I not see????? ...apart from the answer. Any help or explanation appreciated for this lat clue. 6a North east flower show. ?E?R near???? ne`er????...
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Guess Im missing something today as This one totally eludes me. Any help appreciated. 28a Maybe Best English Cheddar is brought round? ???R?E There is a possibility the second letter may be Y...
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10ac Childs term for an elephant (9) H*F*A*U*P 24dn Small pieces of pasta that are like rice or barley (4) *R*O Many thanks...
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Stuck on the last one.....any help appreciated. The ribs of groined vaults, ?T?V?R?S...
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Last one. Any help appreciated. 25d Sportsman entertaining rabbi ?L?E Is it BLUE? Why?...
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Last two. Any help appreciated. 1d Tentative proposal makes sense with cockney girl. F????R 9a Old iron, say. ??P?U?S...

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