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Totally stuck on three today. Any help would be appreciated. 9a Shrinking or shrivelling. N?R?ING 19a A counterfeit note or coin (col) ?A?M?R 24d A formal or solemn command. ?I?T...
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Stuck on two. Any help would be appreciated. 4d Historically, a division of Turkey. E?A?E 13a A shoot or sprout. T?E?R?N...
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Stuck in the top left hand corner. Just one clue should help please. 10a Strung out Louis must drop round for shot in the arm. ???M???S...
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Last one but stuck as usual.........can anyone please help? 28d Very reticent person (coll) ?L?M I can only think of glum........could that be it?...
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Dear All Just two clues left to get: 3 down: 'Confessed, the day before, to having swallowed'. Has 6 letters and the ones I have are: _ O _ N _ D 25 across: 'Hello! That's odd! There's a Goya...
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Stuck on one - 4d Variety of Canadian dessert apple (8) I have ?C?N?O?H. Thank you in advance.
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Stuck on last two The tea tree genus of evergreen plants 4 T?E? Type of sweet melon grown in Israel 4 ?G?N...
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help required with the following 16d coordinator put drug inside dilapidated garrison (9) o?g?n?s?? 29aperson expanding on optical equipment(8) e?????w? 19d order articleabout amended list (7) any...
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Last one and I just cant see it!!! Any help would be appreciated. 8d Composed and delivered number loudly. ?E?A?E...
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Stuck on a couple today. Any help would be appreciated. 13a Dingy yellowish grey, drab. I?A?E?L? 14d A Wild West film 5/5 ?A?S? O?E??...
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Sidesman, (8), ???t?s?n Single out the European in division, (6),?e?e?t...
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21 across What dreamy farmer is doing? W_o_/gardening (and why?) 17 down Sidesman? _a_r_s_n Many thanks in advance...
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Stuck on the last one.........any help would be appreciated. 20a An artificial fishing fly O?D?R...
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Stuck on the bottom corner...........any help appreciated. 22d Food thats nonsense. ??N?E 20d Sounds like meaty dishes are laid down by betters. ???K?S 19d Old God is not from Georgia. ???A...
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Last one to put me out of my misery!!!! 24a Bright fellow eats seconds ??s? I cant give the start letter as there is a clue missing in the grid. Any ideas?...
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Cant get into this one today at all. Any help would be appreciated. 7a Turn to girl for lifting equipment. ?I???R?? 11a Rock groups instrument used for torture. 4/6 D??? ????E? 5d Reticence to prevent...
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2 needed to finish 7 down clamber up (5) ?c??? I was thinking scale but not sure.. 10 across person beyond redemption (4 ) ??s? s?u? I thought lost soul. thanks for ny help...
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Totally stuck on all the left hand side this morning. Right side complete! Any answer on the left would help get me started please.
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Forgot to write down the link words on Saturday......can anyone please help?
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Cant get my head round this last clue..........any help would be appreciated. 7d Exercise performed on horseback perhaps? GYMNASTIC ?E?T I can get SEAT or FEAT or TEST but cant work out which!...

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