Last one and Im puzzled!!!! Any help would be appreciated. 13a Humanity is not expected to be elevated by it. G>O>S>I>T 5.4 Could it be Goods Lift which is obvious or is there a more...
Ground to a halt this morning.....any help would be appreciated. 23a Include different information in unduly favourable treatment. ?N???G???E 14a Relax severity when scoundrel enters part. R?L?T? I...
Stuck on the last one..........any help would be greatly appreciated.
25a Time that followed Long Parliament. ?I?T
I get the `time` bit at the end but am puzzled by the rest....
Last one as usual!
23d Holy man has a painful condition. ?I?E?
I can only get piles or hives but cant fit either to the clue. Any help/explanation would be appreciated....
Stuck on 3 this morning....2 are linked 1 is not. Any help would be much appreciated. Unlinked clue.2d Man perhaps requiring passage to be read aloud. ?S?E The next two the first letter is common to...
Stuck on the last one...........any helpwould be appreciated.
26a To protrude or project (biol) ??s?r?? The first letter could be either an E or an I...
Stuck on the last one........any help would be appreciated.
12a A piece of woodplaced alongside another to strengthen it (nautical)
Could it be `with`???...
Cant decide on this one.........any help would be appreciated.
1a A conspicuous constellation with four bright stars placed crosswise.
Is it SoUthern cross or NoRthern cross?...