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Please can anyone help 3 down Lisa perhaps, right in fashion like a queen 9 letters ??N?R???C thanks in advance...
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Last one.....all help appreciated! 25a Serve a famous opera. ?I?A...
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Last one and Im puzzled!!!! Any help would be appreciated. 13a Humanity is not expected to be elevated by it. G>O>S>I>T 5.4 Could it be Goods Lift which is obvious or is there a more...
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Ground to a halt this morning.....any help would be appreciated. 23a Include different information in unduly favourable treatment. ?N???G???E 14a Relax severity when scoundrel enters part. R?L?T? I...
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Stuck on the last one..........any help would be greatly appreciated. 25a Time that followed Long Parliament. ?I?T I get the `time` bit at the end but am puzzled by the rest....
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19dn Attempt to secure article with it (6) ?r??n?y 10ac Allowed to hold outrageous dance (7) Gavotte, but why? Thanks...
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Stuck on the last one. Any help would be appreciated. 22d An anthem sung in some Roman Catholic masses. T?A?T...
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Stuck on 1. Any help would be appreciated. 23a popular film in which girl meets sailor. A???A?...
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Last one as usual! 23d Holy man has a painful condition. ?I?E? I can only get piles or hives but cant fit either to the clue. Any help/explanation would be appreciated....
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Stuck on 49a Having a numbered display ??g?t?d Thanks in advance...
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Last would be appreciated. 30a Old term meaning to have wiped out. N?L?E? Could it be nilled or nulled?...
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Stuck on the last one........any help would be appreciated. 40d Concede defeat. R?S?N? I can only think of resent but it doesnt ring true!...
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Stuck on 3 this morning....2 are linked 1 is not. Any help would be much appreciated. Unlinked clue.2d Man perhaps requiring passage to be read aloud. ?S?E The next two the first letter is common to...
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Stuck on the last one...........any helpwould be appreciated. 26a To protrude or project (biol) ??s?r?? The first letter could be either an E or an I...
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Last two and Im stuck! Any help would be appreciated. 6a Turned crazy making attempt. ?T?? 8d Provide with extra security except for lock. ??T?R?S?...
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Stuck on the last one........any help would be appreciated. 12a A piece of woodplaced alongside another to strengthen it (nautical) ?I?H Could it be `with`???...
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Last one but it looks as if Ive gone wrong somewhere! Any help would be appreciated. 22d Emptier area in privy. ?N?N?R...
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Stumbling over two this morning. Any help would be appreciated. 11a Declare sun`s over infernal regions. A?E?N?S 18a Penny cut off sound P?O?...
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Don't miss the delivery, but co-operate (4 4 ) ???? ??l? Groundless rumour that there's unemployment?. (4 6 ) ?d?e ??????...
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Cant decide on this one.........any help would be appreciated. 1a A conspicuous constellation with four bright stars placed crosswise. Is it SoUthern cross or NoRthern cross?...

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