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tin church

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tin church
i'm trying to find-out the title of a track that is teatured in steve martin's 'the pink panther''s an instrumental dance-type was used a lot on eurosport's tennis programmes..
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tin church
years ago i saw a really funny jaques tati short on tv...he played a college tutor,teaching the art of comedy to a hapless bunch of students...does anyone know the title?...and is it available on dvd?...
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tin church
i'd love to own 'next' and 'delilah' on dvd...both vids were featured on 'the old grey whistle test',in the '70's...can anyone inform me on the existance of these sessions ...are they available on...
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tin church
i heard a track ,on planet rock, by a band called nightwing...i'd love to hear more...who are/were they?

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