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38A ape native to the forests o sumatra and borneo 5-5 Thanks in anticipation
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23a anticipated 8 last one, please help
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I must be bad as I really messed up 13d no matter what one also need 2d having an effect 11a sudden burst of activity 20d make a formal withdrawal
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I have flu and no it's not man flu so need some help please 9a render ineffectual by routine 8 18a not spoiled 11 17d compound from putrefying animal tissues 8 Thanks in advance I might be back later
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sorry any help with following would be appreciated: 1d Food of the gods in classical mythology? (8) 3d French acrobat who crossed the Niagara Falls on a tightrope? (7) 20d Original Panhellenic...
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Help please hangover, isn't helping 1d by way of godly protection 14 9a add element no 8 (9) Thanks in advance
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o.k. I know I'm being thick today but need more help please 7d writes in musical form 7 15a devout member of a jewish sect 5 22d clot, idiot 4
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Having trouble this week 3d dimness of intellect 5- 10 thick something? 23a early form of man I haven't had lunch yet please help
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4d a payment of expenses 8 6d country person 4 22a carrying board 4 Thanks in advance, my brain is dead today
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8d far from fanatical, cool 14 10a heirarchy in the ecosystem 4,5 Thanks in anticipation
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Who was the lady who sang last, and what group was she in, it's driving me mad Thanking you in anticipation
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cannot get 19a and 25a thanks in advance
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19a concise, last one and it's driving me mad, thanks in advance
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last two please 7d drag out of 19d group or faction within a party
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MoS Crossword - last two - 4d Ancient town in Galilee & 1a Ancient Jewish mystical tradition based on Old Testament interpretation!!!! - can anyone help out - THANKS - Goldblend
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last two please help 9a ancient jewish mystical tradition based on old testament interpretation (8) ?a?b?l?h 4d town in lower galilee (8) ?a?a?e?h. thank you in advance
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Can anybody help please: 16a City in East Washington, home to a native American tribe *p*k*n* 19a Food Additive recognised by the European Union *n*m*e* Many thanks - these are my last two
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Thank you for your answers, which means that I have got 22a wrong smug and self-satisfied please help again
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13d worker on railway track l.t.h.y.r 15a tropical disease .e.i.e.i have slept on this and still don't know the answers, please help thanks
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28a containing the element with atomic number 45 6 letters staring with r I thought the answer was rhodium Thanks in advance

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