Can anyone help me with the right-hand corner. 4a. search vessel for smuggled goods (5) ?E?Q??, 7d grass or fodder for horses etc (6) ??T?G? I had silage unpaint but this doesn't fit with 11a unpaint...
Am struggling with three answers and should be grateful for any help, please. 24a. Opportunity to do something stylish - act in Westerns. 21d Noble piece of music being broadcast, and 21a Concession...
Two stuck on: 23a self-government of a place by its own citizens(4,4) 26a an address on a religious or moral subject. Please can anyone help. Many thanks
4d Having a few degrees, and intelligent? Not so, not so! I have o--u-e, and 22d Harmony seldom initially found in marriage u-e--n Please help me - I'm going mad!