I suspect the answer has to be correct, but can somebody please reassure me it is fair to categorise it as a pretty poor clue :- What men assume, mostly, party whip goes around for (6) C?A?A? I can...
Stuck on the last 2 clues, which I believe are normal cryptic clues rather than the large number of clues without a definition (mostly trees, shrubs etc) referred to in previous correspondence. Knight...
Everybody may see soldiers used in American attractions (7) A?L?R?S. It looks as if it has to be ALLURES (ALL + RE inside US), but that would require an ALLURE (Noun) to be an ATTRACTION. Is this an...
A Parsing query from 18 months ago :- Chair is deep but not wide, long but not hard (7) L?U?G?R
The answer is LOUNGER (chair), but could someone please explain the rest. TIA....
Just one query on parsing :- Answer to go down badly after Mike's explosive threat (6,4) A?O??C ?O?B. The answer is ATOMIC BOMB (explosive threat) made up from ATO (Answer to) and BOMB (go down badly)...
2 Parsing queries from May 2019 :- Being There, for which acting needs time given over to Seller's lead (8) ?R?S?N?E. The answer is PRESENCE (Being There), but I can't parse it at all. Piece of meat...
Parsing problem :- Silence on radio as very bright female chucked out (4,3) D?A? A?R. I get that DEAD AIR is a silence on the radio, but don't understand the rest.
Just two parsing queries :- 1) 1Ac : Jet following unseats Frenchman in spectacular rise (8) ?O?N?A?N. It looks like FOUNTAIN (Jet), whereby F (following) replaces M (Frenchman) in MOUNTAIN. But how...
Lower part of ship on left to admit navy (5) K?E?L. Is it KNEEL? I don't get it. KEEL is certainly a lower part of a ship, and navy can be N. But that doesn't explain "on left", and there doesn't seem...
3Dn Novelist : one's leaving chorus to the end (7) L?S?I?? Is it LESSING (Doris Lessing, Author)? Don't get the parsing. 19Dn Force to open pub after host closes early (7) C???B?R 22Ac Fool laced with...
3 Answers, but I need help with the parsing :- King who sang by accident's heard in three countries (7) B?N?L?X The answer is BENELUX. I get "three countries" and that LUX if homophonic with luck's...
Another 2 left over from on holiday, and a query on ANT :- 1) Sat thus starting off sitcom? (7) F?I?N?S. Well, it's obviously FRIENDS (sitcom), but the rest...? 2) Article in papers concerning for one...
One not totally understood at a picnic in the summer :- Stifling communication in the end, doctor operates - words rarely spoken (9) E?P?R?N?O. It would seem to have to be ESPERANTO but, apart from...
Pair of silver buckles fop sadly lost in duels (9) R?V?L?I?S. The answer is RIVALRIES (Duels), and it's an anagram of "silver" and AIR, but why/how?...
Found an old uncompleted crossword. Two answers I just don't get the parsing of. 1) Miscievous child cuts leg off its first unit (6) The answer is PASCAL. I get it is an SI unit and a rascal is a...
Last one, plus a parsing query :- It's taken up in hard-bitten academy? No longer (4) ?A?E Venomous creatures in Government succeeded (6) ?O?R?S. Presumably, it's COBRAS, but I'm not very impressed...