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billy of the best ending to a film :)
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On BBC1 yesterday evening, immediately after The One Show, viewers were told that if they pressed The Red Button they could get the first glimpse of the UK entry for this year's Eurovision Song...
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I went to see this film and thoroughly enjoyed it. A true story, which had humour as well. Matt Damon (did you see him on Norton last week?) and Hugh Bonneville were excellent.
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If I'm being totally honest the film didn't quite live up to expectation. A worthy story none the less and informative for young ChillDoubt. He's never seen Philadelphia and although he knows about...
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How can they be so stupid.
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Is it just me or is this series, really boring. They seem to spend ages just filming the doctors talking about why they became a doctor. Then we had to listen to a woman talking about her grandson all...
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Now that Blockbuster has gone bust, where else is as good for renting DVDs? i'm not gadgety enough to use online streaming. I've had a look at Love Film, but it's hardly got much range, certainly...
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feel guilty for doing so, might be a soppy love story, or something else, i have a number of films which are light hearted romances i suppose, but are pleasant watching for a couple of hours, but they...
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Based on a true story of courage and survival directed by Peter Berg, starring Mark Wahlberg Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, and Ben Foster. Powerful, gritty and gripping, it's a Film worth seeing. It...
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OMG, just how BORING is the Nick and Leanne storyline!?...
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A gripping,gritty and powerful thriller about fate, circumstance, and justice. Excellent performances from a strong cast......Christian Bale, Zoe Saldana, Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, Forest...
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Is anybody watching this on Channel 4?
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Just watched doi for 10 mins the first and last time I will. My surname is Blake and in pronounced as it looks, so Christine Bleakley so surely it should be pronounced B-L-E-A-K-L-E-Y as in...
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what to think. Les Dennis is joining Coronation St. Can't say I'm enthusiastic about it, unless he is going to put a frock on and bring back Mavis
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Wild China was screened on BBC Four on Saturday night. Unbelievable photography ! I can't recommend it highly enough. If you have a big TV it would be even better. Its still available on the iplayer....
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Am I the only person on the planet who can't stand Pointless any more. Such endless praise churned out by AA to contestants etc. And that business! journalist Steph... Talk about dumbing down. Rant...
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Not one for watching this show as it's usually populated by vacuous air head 'celebs' but NM was very refreshing. Bit of a scoundrel but what a life....
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The Reflex - is it just me that thought it was a load of old cobblers?
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Saw this last night. What a fantastic film. Never realised what Winnie went through.
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Where do they get these smug gits from to keep the irritating Nick Knowles company.I thought for a moment that woman was the old girl from Benidorm.

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