I'm an Old Codger, (82), recently introduced to the world of electronic wizardry. The name which I use to ask for answers in the Crossword world is 'tmacen1', an appellation given to me by a helpful...
Sorry to have been taking up valuable time and space. I hope I've got it right now. It's probably obvious to the whole Western World but I can't find it anywhere. 20d. Group of three linked words. T...
32 d. On the way. (2,3,8). i* t*e *i*e*i*e. I've tentatively got 'in the timeline'. I've not put it in but it doesn't seem QUITE right and I can't get it out of my head. Will one of you ladies or...
2 D. State of World Citizenship. (15) C*s***o*i*a*e*m 16 A. Exist in Large Numbers. (6) A***n* 19 D. Most Severe. (8) *t*r*e*a 34D. Process of changing one's permanent abode. (12) *p*e*t*e*e*t Sorry...
Dr Anthony J*d*l*r (7). 27a Dr. Anthony *******; character who views the world as "gigantic practical joke". Also have a problem with 22d. City in Belarus on the Neman River. That's Hrodno...