22acr- Writer bound by hollow traditional protocol (8) I have T?O?L?P? probably Trollope but why? 16acr- One replayed quarter-final tie ends goalless (4) i?l? - surely IDLE - goalless but the rest? I...
33acr- Cause of disease (mosquito,largely) to bones would come naturally to the Pope (13) I have G?R?A?O?H?L?A which could give Germanophilia. Can someone help explain the wordplay other than the Pope...
24dn- Future commander has right time (7) 9dn- Introduction to concession with time for consideration (7) 27dn- County town with duke left for dead on Great North Road (7) Sorry no starting letters....
Can someone please tell me how 7 and 8 down are to be entered in the grid, bearing in mind the preamble. 7dn is (I think - Two- Time) 8dn is (I think- On Edge)
1dn- Whichever way you see them, the facts do for a Tony (4) I cannot get ABBA out of my mind because of the palindromic indicator and the 'Tony' (award?) but it doesn't gel with the usual Mephisto...