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Why do people post 'amusing' pointless questions, which push other genuine questions off the bottom of the list, which then get lost? I've been following questions and answers, and now can't find...
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norman dyson
I've just seen an answer in People & Places and it mentions a song which begins'Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye,cheerio,here I go,on my way.......'.What is the title of this song and where can I...
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Where did the word donut originate?
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Is there any accepted method to 'clean' Velcro? If the plasticcy side is all covered with fluff and the like and the two sides do not stick as well as before, can I easily clean the plastic?
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how long is the football season
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History or myth?
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What are the attractions of this place ? And, what's the easiest route to get there from London ?
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What TV shows have there been that feature hedgehogs as characters ?
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Are there any famous phrases involving the number seven?
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I live in a hard-water area. Do any water softeners work, and / or how much does a decent one cost to install? Any recommendations?
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Bonnie Prince Charlie, born in Italy to a Polish mother, apparently spent most of his life in mainland Europe. How long did this Scottish legend actually spend in Scotland ?
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What is the best / your favourate horror film ever?
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Does anyone know of any ghosts, myths or legends in and around Salisbury Wiltshire UK?
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Why is that Americans call their teams world champions when they dont let anybody else have a try. I'm thinking American Football, Baseball, Basket Ball and Ice Hockey. Its just seems such a stupid...
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I have a very good friend who is getting married in October. He and his fiancee are very into gladiator roleplay and perform regularly at festivals and on TV. Does anybody have any good ideas for a...
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Further to a question posted previously by another poster, which was answered erroneously, is there a law similar to the 1999 Sale of Dogs Act, but which refers specifically to dogs bred by UNLICENCED...
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We have several plants in our garden that are & are getting covered in a whitey/grey dust. Is it some sort of fungus? can we do anything to get rid of it? It affects mostyly forget me nots, sweet peas...
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Is this a new fad? where is the black market? they got any disabled rabbits? as i would like to care for one..
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Can anyone tell me if i need permission from anybody, to chop a large Fir tree,down,at the bottom of my garden. The way it has grown over the years,it has slowly pushed the fencing out of shape to the...
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i have a rather large dog who tends to get smelly rather fast. Does anybody know how often i can bath him without it damaging him?

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