Hi Guys.advice needed I hope to take my g/daughter on a city break to Berlin when she has break from Uni I would like to pack as much sightseeing possible I would be very grateful of any suggestions.
Hi Guys.trust you can help I download files to the P.C. windows 7 they seem to be M.P.3 I want to play them on a C.D. in the car how do I deal with this problem hope somebody can help....
Hi Guys can anybody help? I have an Epsom stylusSX200 downloaded a PDF but unable to print the letter,a message comes up unable to print.yes the inks are OK.checked out an e-mail message no problem...
Help please you guys. The problem is I receive pictures via e-mail when I forward them on only the text is shown on the e-mail.I asked for help from Talk Talk but no result after three weeks.this is...