Heaven forbid that they are successful....
Top tip: Don't turn up to rob a place, even if it's a prank, with a knife in a nation with more guns than people....
So I have watched this a few times now and started to appreciate it. They point out things in a factual or as close to factual as possible. Anyway when I watch this I see how the news is supposed to...
Let's take it as read that 100k deaths to date is a lot, that The Daily Moan is a bit sensationalist, and that the name Professor Lockdown is a bit silly. But... With the rollout of the vaccine and... Looks like Trump was an unwitting friend of the Russians for years. And we still have naive pawns at...
Boris would like us all to clap for Sir Tom tonight at 6pm. Much as I admire what he did, and think the amount he helped raise was phenomenal, I won’t be, as I think it’s pointless. The poor old chap...
The 'filling' question has reminded me - I seem to have lost the knack for cooking omelettes, which I used to do quite well. I use a proper omelette pan - should I have the temperature high, and cook... Clearly none of the 27 members were consulted when the commission decided unilaterally to make a complete fool of itself and them by association. Does...
what with the hell we have been through with covid and all it's misery, with new vaccines coming online, do you think we will, again rise to the ocassion, socially and business wise, ie back to a new...
When this music starts - within five seconds you will have a warm feeling of nostalgia for your childhood, or you will feel nothing at all. This will depend entirely on your age - those who are sixty...
I am wondering why anyonw would ask such a question? Frankly If you live here and you are not proud to be British, why do you live here? Live...
I watch this to be polite, because Mrs Hughes really likes it, but I really can't do with it. To me, it's far too pleased with itself, contestants, impossible format, even the music! I do like...
Has anyone been to Auschwitz? It was one of the most harrowing experiences I've ever had seeing those bunks three deep , latrines going through the middle of a 'shed' stories of Dysentery just raining...