It wasnt, I hadn't seen it before I just don't get how everyone thinks it's so brilliant. It was too long, and hammy as heck. I kept watching to be able to say I had.... Life's too short.
I love songs which have multiple switches. By switch up I mean songs that have different tunes through it. What are your favourite switch up songs? Mine are: Child In Time, Deep Purple (heard this for...
Two good friends who are bubbled with each other and live in the same village in Tier 4 have decided to stick to their original Christmas plans i.e. to go and stay with their respective children and...
This seems a strange arrangement to me - whereby the president can pardon anyone of their choosing. If the Prime minister of the UK had such a power, I’m pretty sure the whole country would be up in...
Is there any sense in which theology could be considered a science? I mean, I know it uses the suffix 'ology' but is that a valid claim for it to be considered a branch of knowledge, any more than...
They are upset about not meeting family at Christmas but there is never a hint of dissent, they always say they agree with it all and they will obey the rules to the letter no matter what. Its not...
Morrisons is offering 10% discount to NHS workers, teachers and blue light workers. But what about others who have worked to keep services running throughout the pandemic? Bus and train drivers have... It'll take a year to vaccinate the country, right oh? from the same people that...
Jill Biden has been criticized for using her Doctorate title, which she earned in the field of education. Some have said that this should only be applied to those in the Medical and Scientific...
For some reason I thought most Americans supported it but it seems not. The president elect has vowed to try to end it officially and from this it would appear that the current administration thinks...
How many more Christmases do you think before the Roses chocolate lid, more or less meets the bottom of the container, may be leaving enough room for one layer?
What will the Left fall back on now their go to liars have been exposed?
Apparently that is not enough. We have to be told by a beloved celebrity. So who would tip the balance for you to have the vaccine? Is it Ant or is it Dec? Timmy Mallet or Macca Pacca? Who would... \\A mother who killed her six children in a fire has been freed from prison after serving...
Have just read about students in Nottingham having 200+ strong parties. (sorry no link) Where are their brains. They may be safe but they may have other friends, family members and acquaintances who...