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Celt with cap is incredibaly mistrustful (9) Letters I have guessed (maybe wrong) _ C _ H _ I _ A _...
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Please i please have some help from this lovely audience please: Knock down stum (5) _ L _ O _...
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Their takings are sound (4) These are the letters I have, with help from the other answers: S _ O _...
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Can anyone assist me with this cryptic caper? Thanks in advance. Having to vocalise with police bands (10) _ O _ S _ S _ I _ G...
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Small change (6) _ U _ N _ E
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Oh, there is one more: What the public wants to ask (6) _ E _ A _ D (Thanks for the quick response to the last one)...
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I'm stuck on this one cryptic puzzle chaps. Any help? Allowance that increases the further one goes from the equator (8) _ A _ I _ _ _ E Thanks in advance...
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Can anyone help with this... He walks without hitch (5) _ I _ E _ Thanks in advance Tony...
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Hi folks. I am missing one answer from my cryptic. Can any of you guys shed any light on it for me please? The opposite of bliss? _ N _ _ L _ D _ E Thanks Tony...
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Good day to all you cryptic lovers. I myself am stuck on this particular clue and wonder if any of you could assist me: They ease revolutionary movemnts (4-8) _ A _ L _ E _ R _ _ _ S Thanks in advance...
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HI guys, a cryptic clue for you folks: Trees with pith? T _ R _ E Thanks Tony...
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Strongly advise on not to lose heart - it's most important (6) - _ R _ E _ T Let's see what you guys make of this :) Tony...
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Hi guys, here are some more cryptics I would be grateful if helped: 1. 100, when alighting, become gracious but superior (13) C _ N _ E _ C _ _ _ I _ _ 2. Might it enrage the worshippers? (7) I _ C _...
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1. One loses marks using it (6) _ _ A _ _ _ 2. The servants are killed returning to me (7) _ _ _ I _ L _ 3. People who obtain information with an effort (6) _ _ _ T _ Y Any help would be much...

1 to 14 of 14